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Easter Coloring Contest 2025
Contest Details:

Who can enter?: Anyone age 12 or under can enter.
How do I enter?: Click on either image below to access the pdf copy. You can print off the PDF copy. Choose only one image to color. Please write your child's name, age and the best phone number to reach you at on the back of the sheet.
When does the contest start?: We will start accepting entries on March 24th, 2025
When is the deadline to submit an entry?: All entries must be received by April 11th, 2025. Due to the timeline of the contest we cannot accept any entries received after April 11th, 2025, even if they are postmarked on, or before, that date.
How is a winner chosen?: Depending on the number of entries received, the Molitor Pet Clinic Staff will choose the top 5-10 entries for voting. Those pictures will be posted on Facebook for our followers to vote on. Your child's name and phone number WILL NOT be posted on Facebook. The picture that receives the most "likes" on Facebook will be the winner. Voting will begin on Saturday, April 12th 2025.
When is the winner chosen?: The picture with the most "likes" at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, April 18th will be the winner. The winner will be announced on our Facebook page the week after Easter.